
The grid is highly customizable, and for starters, comes with a config file that can be published using the vendor:publish laravel artisan command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Leantony\Grid\Providers\GridServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Running this command should copy the config file (grid.php) to app/config. Feel free to tweak what you want. It’s well documented inside the config file.

return [

     * The size in bootstrap grid rows for the grid toolbar
     * By default, 6 for the search input, and 6 for the toolbar buttons
    'toolbar_size' => [6, 6],

     * Whether to display a message if the grid has no data
    'warn_when_empty' => true,

     * Default css class for the grid
    'default_class' => 'table table-bordered table-hover',

     * Configuration related to sorting of data
    'sort' => [
         * The query parameter supplied to indicate a sort direction
        'dir_param' => 'sort_dir',

     * Configuration related to exporting of data
    'export' => [
         * The query parameter supplied to indicate an export
        'param' => 'export',

         * Allowed export types
        'allowed_types' => [
            'xlsx', // excel
            'csv', // csv

         * Export chunk size
        'chunk_size' => 200,

         * Strict mode - only export columns available on the corresponding DB table
        'strict_mode' => true,

     * Configuration related to searching of data
    'search' => [

         * The search query parameter that contains the search data
        'param' => 'q',

         * The SQL query type used to conditionally search data
        'query_type' => 'or',

         * The view used to display a search form
        'view' => ''

     * Configuration related to filtering of data
    'filter' => [

         * The SQL query type used to conditionally filter data
        'query_type' => 'and',

         * Columns to skip during filtering of user data. This columns
         * will be ignored when passed as query parameters during a filter operation
        'columns_to_skip' => [

     * Configuration related to the grid columns
    'columns' => [

         * The css class for the grid column with the filter button
        'filter_field_class' => 'grid-w-15',

         * The regular expression pattern to be used to format column labels
        'label_pattern' => '/[^a-z0-9 -]+/'

     * Configuration related to pagination of data
    'pagination' => [

         * Pagination default size
        'default_size' => 15,

         * Pagination function to use. Supply either 'default' or 'simple'
        'type' => 'default',

         * The view used to render default pagination.
        'default' => 'leantony::grid.pagination.default',

         * The view used to render simple pagination.
        'simple' => 'leantony::grid.pagination.simple'

     * Configuration related to grid generation via the provided artisan command
    'generation' => [

         * Namespace for the generated grid
        'namespace' => 'App\\Grids',

         * Columns to skip on generation of the grid
        'columns_to_skip' => [

The resources provided are also highly customizable. These are published as usual, like this;

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Leantony\Grid\Providers\GridServiceProvider" --tag="views"

These will be copied to resources/views/vendor/leantony/grid. From there, you can change what you want and laravel will automatically use that, instead of the one from the package.

Just do not delete the variables / functions, as that might break the functionality!!

Advanced customization

Most of the grid’s functionality in terms of manipulating columns, exporting, buttons, filters, is customizable, and for that which is not, am working on it. However, you should be able to;

Click on any option, to read more on it.

